Software and servers
- RNAprotDB A web interface for the dynamic exploration of protein-RNA interfaces and pairs of homologous protein-RNA interfaces.
- SCAN_IDR A pipeline developed to evaluate AlphaFold2 success rates in predicting the structures of protein assemblies interacting through an intrinsically disordered region.
- InterEvDock3
A docking server to predict the structure of protein-protein interactions using evolutionary information. Updated in 2018 to allow modeling from input sequences, multimeric proteins and with biological constraints. Updated in 2021 to allow template-based modeling of complexes, use of covariation-based predicted contact maps and improved atomic-level, evolutionary-based scoring of free docking poses.
- InterEvData
A Singularity image to run our free docking pipeline combining scores with evolutionary information at atomic level to improve near-native discrimination rates in scoring.
- bbcontacts
A Python program predicting residue-level contacts between beta-strands by detecting patterns in matrices of predicted couplings.
- InterEvScore
A coarse-grained scoring function for heteromeric protein interfaces which combines a multi-body statistical potential with evolutionary information.
- InterEvol database
A database and web server designed for the analysis of co-evolution events at the interface of known structures of hetero- and homo-oligomers.